Investment process

Individual profile

Analysis, economy, markets, politics

Investment Committee

Model portfolio


Ongoing monitoring

In accordance with the European Union’s under­stan­ding of sustaina­bi­lity, sustaina­bi­lity should not only be limi­ted to ecolo­gi­cal aspects, but should rather take the entire ESG spec­trum (envi­ron­ment, social and gover­nance) into account. In this regard, Livalor Asset Management Ltd. is subject to disclo­sure requi­re­ments under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

In compli­ance with these disclo­sure obli­ga­ti­ons, we disc­lose the following:

Livalor Asset Management Ltd. is aware of its respon­si­bi­lity to ensure a future worth living for the next gene­ra­ti­ons. We have ther­e­fore been taking certain sustaina­bi­lity crite­ria into account for a long time in the context of asset manage­ment and, for exam­ple, refrain from buying compa­nies from the gambling, war mate­rial and porno­gra­phy sectors as direct investments.

We are curr­ently not imple­men­ting the stra­te­gies for inclu­ding sustaina­bi­lity risks in the invest­ment decis­ion-making process provi­ded by EU regu­la­ti­ons and conse­quently do not take into account the adverse effects on sustaina­bi­lity factors. One of the reasons for this is that not all rele­vant infor­ma­tion is available yet. However, our remu­ne­ra­tion policy in no way crea­tes nega­tive incen­ti­ves to ignore sustaina­bi­lity risks.

Livalor Asset Management Ltd follows deve­lo­p­ments in this area closely and provi­des infor­ma­tion on any adjust­ments here.

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