Livalor Vermögensverwaltung AG
Schmedgass 6
9490 Vaduz
Livalor Vermögensverwaltung AG
Wilfriedstrasse 7
8032 Zurich
Livalor Asset Management Ltd is a financial institution affiliated with FINcontrol Suisse AG in accordance with the Financial Institutions Act (FINIG) and is therefore subject to the ongoing supervision of FINcontrol Suisse AG. FINcontrol Suisse AG is a supervisory organization under the Financial Market Supervision Act (FINMASA).
Complaints management
Es ist uns ein grosses Anliegen, unsere Kunden hinsichtlich ihrer Zielsetzungen, Wünsche und Bedürfnisse in allen Belangen der Vermögensverwaltung und Anlageberatung professionell zu betreuen. Sollten Sie dennoch Grund für eine Beschwerde haben, werden wir dieser umgehend nachgehen.
Sie können sich mit Ihrer Beschwerde, Ihrem Anliegen, Anregungen oder Wünschen im Zusammenhang mit der Vermögensverwaltung oder Anlageberatung jederzeit per Email an die folgende Stelle wenden:
Selbstverständlich können Sie sich auch anlässlich eines Besuches oder telefonisch an die Geschäftsleitung bzw. jeden Mitarbeiter der Livalor Vermögensverwaltung AG richten.
Zudem haben Kunden die Möglichkeit, zusätzlich mit ihren Anliegen an die Liechtensteinische Schlichtungsstelle, Dr. Peter Wolff, Rechtsanwalt, Mitteldorf 1, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein, Tel. +423 238 10 31, E-Mail: zu gelangen. Wir empfehlen, zunächst unsere Stellungnahme abzuwarten.
Participation Policy
Livalor Asset Management Ltd. (hereinafter “Livalor”) falls under the term “asset manager” according to Art. 367a No. 3 of the Liechtenstein Persons and Companies Act (PGR) and must therefore describe its participation policy within the meaning of Art. 367h PGR.
- Livalor does not exercise any shareholder rights within the meaning of Article 367h Paragraph 1 Items 1 and 4 PGR that are based on participation in the companies in which Livalor has invested as part of asset management mandates. In particular, no rights related to the general meetings of stock corporations are exercised. Livalor exercises the right to a share of profits and subscription rights in the economic interests of the client.
- The monitoring of important company matters within the meaning of Article 367h, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the PGR is carried out by taking note of the statutory reporting by the companies in financial reports and ad hoc notifications.
- There is no exchange of views with the corporate bodies and stakeholders within the meaning of Article 367h Paragraph 1 Item 3 PGR.
- There is no collaboration with other shareholders within the meaning of Article 367h Paragraph 1 Items 5 and 6 PGR.
- In the event of conflicts of interest within the meaning of Article 367h Paragraph 1 Item 7 PGR, disclosure is made to those affected in accordance with the statutory provisions and a clarification of how to proceed with the same.
- An annual publication on the implementation of the participation policy within the meaning of Art. 367h Para. 2 PGR does not take place because the corresponding rights are not exercised.
- A publication of the voting behavior within the meaning of Article 367h Paragraph 1 Item 3 PGR does not take place because no participation in voting takes place.